How to remove the tire and the inner tube of your MAD-Freestyle
Please follow these simple steps
Deflate tire completely.
Even a small amount of air left in the tube can make it more difficult to get the tire off.
For best results press downward on wheel while deressing the valve.
The tire bead will be pressed tight against rim.
Pushing it inwards loosens the bead from the rim.
Do this on the same side all around the diameter of the rim.
This is the "KEY STEP". Do not forget it!
Engage one tire lever under bead of tire. Pull the lever towards spokes to lift bead off rim, and hook it to a spoke.
If it appears too difficult it means that the bead is no longer in theiddle of the rim. With the other hand push the bead of tire toward rim center. In this way the force acting on the lever will be much lower and you will succeed more easily.
Releave one lever from the spoke and slide it along the rim under the bead by moving it away from the other lever. Proceed moving forward up to remove tire completely from rim on the side you are working on.
Now you can take out the inner tube.